
Surrender Into Your Destiny/Purpose in Life

What if we did more daily around our purpose is in life? How differently would we feel about the value we bring to each day we live?

I have to admit, for me I found my purpose in life very early on. I knew I loved serving people and making people happy. From my first job working at Burger King when I was 15 years old… to working at AC Peterson Restaurant throughout high school that showed me.. I loved serving people and making them happy from the experience  I could provide from serving them.  Enough so that I went and got my Associates degree in Hotel Restaurant Management. After I graduated I was promoted to manage the restaurant I had been working at throughout high school as a waitress. From there, it allowed me to find a deeper passion for health and fitness. You see I needed to join a gym from all the free food I was getting from working in a restaurant. When I approached a gym I was interested in, there was a part-time help wanted sign posted at the door. I saw that posting as my calling for considering the health and fitness field.  I thought is was an amazing idea to workout and get paid for it right?  I applied for the part time position and got the job. From there it all brought it together for me.  After about a year working in the fitness club, I  learned how to teach group fitness classes, how to sell memberships, and how to create a workout program for members.. I JUST LOVED IT!!!   So I quit my restaurant job, and went back to school for my Bachelors degree in the health and fitness field. During school I taught group classes for the students at my college. They did not have fitness club Rooms for students back then, so I taught the classes in the basement of our dorms to then moved into teaching at one of our gymnasiums once my class size got to about a 100 students. 

As of today, I have been working in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years now  helping and inspiring people to get healthy and fit choosing their health over their excuses.. I wake up each day happy and inspired by the career I have chosen and truly know that I am working around my purpose and passion in life.

If you don’t know your destiny; take time to sit quietly, relax, breathe deep and allow the silence to guide you. There is no current road map to your destiny but there is the belief we all have one. So why not go to your quiet space or create one and ask for direction. Let Life work on your behalf. Let Life guide you to the place where you will be the most fulfilled, your Destiny.  Don’t think about the hard work ahead to get there for that will just clutter your mind to find what your purpose in life is. 

Sometimes our Destiny’s are greater than what we can see. Maybe they are less than what we want, but they are always in alignment with what your calling is and what God and/or your faith has in-stored for you. Can we let go and surrender into them, or will we fight to be something or someone we’re not.

Only YOU can decide to make the positive changes in your life that would lead you to live your purpose in life.  And in case you don’t believe that you can do it… then I lend to you today my belief in you that YOU CAN DO IT… until you start to believe in yourself.