
The Truth About Cellulite

Most of us have a strong emotional response to the word cellulite because we tend to place our self worth in our appearance and what society tells us is “pretty” …. We hyperfocus on it…. We stare at it in the mirror.
Before we jump in, we want to remind you that YOU are beautiful, you are strong, and the reflection in the mirror is not the real reflection of who you are as a person.  A mirror does NOT determine your value or your worth.

The truth is that cellulite is not directly correlated to being overweight OR unhealthy. Yet, we seem to do everything in our power to get rid of it. Knowledge is empowering, so our goal with this post is to empower you with the knowledge of what cellulite really is.

Let’s start by clarifying that cellulite is a normal and almost universally experienced “problem” – especially by women.  Cellulite occurs when the subcutaneous fat pushes on the layer of connective tissue, giving it a bumpy or orange-peel-like appearance. We are not 100% certain what causes cellulite to be worse in some people than others but there are connections between cellulite accumulation and hormone balance, blood sugar regulation, circulatory health, activity level and collagen production.   So in order to combat cellulite we must tackle the possible contributors: inflammation, hormones, circulation, activity and collagen.


TIP #1 – Reduce intake of sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods and inflammatory oils. Replace them with nutrient-dense plants, high quality proteins, anti-inflammatory fats and low glycemic carbs.

TIP #2 – Stress management in conjunction with a nutrient dense diet is a powerful duo for hormone balance

TIP #3 – Avoid sitting for prolonged periods as this can negatively impact circulation. Try setting a reminder to go off on your phone to stand up every hour. You can walk to the water fountain, bust out a few air squats, or just shake it out.

TIP #4 – Regular exercise that includes a variety of cardiovascular training, high intensity intervals, low intensity restorative work and resistance training.

TIP #5 – Add bone broth to your routine! Bone broth can help improve connective tissue health (among so many other benefits), potentially helping improve the look of cellulite.

TIP #6 – Include vitamin C rich foods like citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, bell peppers and broccoli. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is also needed for the production of collagen in the body.