
Are you scared to say NO to junk food?

Don’t you hate when you hear people say… “Just have one.” or, “But it’s the holidays!”… Or how about… “You can have a little.” 

When this happens our immediate thought is NO!!!!!! Then, we have a overwhelming feeling of guilt both of giving in to the pressure to indulge and the guilt to say no offending someone to try and stay on track.  This is a true challenge for most.  The answer here is to make up your mind a head of time as to if you are going to give in…. or what will you be ready to say “with confidence” so they understand you do not want to splurge. 

Staying true to your nutrition plan is hard. But with all the parties, feasts, and indulgence, staying on plan during the holidays is the challenge we all take on.

This can feel like sabotage, even when it’s innocent. The collected opinions of friends and family, and the opinions of complete strangers and coworkers can feel like a lot of pressure. So what people need to do is to come up with a game plan to handle it. Everything from what to do to what to say.

Here are some of the best lessons I have learned from working with my customers  about how to handle “food pushers.”

1. Remember That Change Is hard For Everyone!

Try to remember that you are not the only one dealing with change. You should recognized that as scared as you are of people pressuring you, a lot of the people pushing food on you are doing it because they are scared too.  You see, sometimes people don’t want their friend to change because it would mean that they might have to change too.   People don’t want their friend to turn down a drink because if they do it could mean that they might have to reflect on why they needed that drink.  So instead remember this for what it is and ask yourself the following question…. Is it more important for you to stay committed to your goals, the goals that you know when achieved will make you happier and healthier in life?  Or is it more important to give in to make your friends happy in that one moment in time that will only leave you feeling frustrated later that day or night.  It is always YOUR CHOICE.  For me?  I always  CHOOSE ME!

2. Role-play scenarios you know are coming.

Role play at home in front of your mirror. Pretend you are presented with the challenge to indulge.. example: Someone is going to ask “why are you on a diet?” Someone is going to offer you a drink. You know these situations are going to happen so you can plan for them and act them out in your head.  Saying what you want to say out loud in front of a mirror, makes it feel more real to you, so if and when you need to use this response… you will say it with more confidence.

Also, let people be hospitable in other ways.  You see, if your fear is looking ungrateful, plan and role-play saying things that show how grateful you are. A lot of food pushing at the holidays is hospitality with calories. People want us to feel welcome and comfortable, and that usually means food. And on the flip side of that relationship, we don’t want to appear ungrateful so we feel obliged to accept. So, accept people’s hospitality in other ways. If they offer you a muffin, politely decline but ask “who made that delicious salad?” If they ask if they can get you a beer, you can politely decline but let them know you’ll take a bottled water.

4. Respond with values, not outcomes!

When people push food, a lot of what they say falls into the “one little one won’t hurt you” category. You can choose to ignore it, but if some people are really pushy you can respond in unexpected ways that turn the conversation. If the idea of saying, “but I might not stop at just one” is scary, try practicing “I’m trying to do this for myself.”        Or, “I’m trying to practice a little willpower.” Or, “No thanks, I’m trying to be a better me.” Responding with the values you are trying to embody rather than the outcomes you want is a great way not only to shut down a pushy person, but to remind yourself about what this journey is really about.