
Engage and Release Your Inner Warrior within You.

Engage and Unleash Your Inner Warrior Women In Just 6 Easy Steps.  Do you ever lack confidence or experience self-doubt? Find it hard to say no or stand up for yourself? Are you the sucker who gets roped into doing things you don’t want to? It’s time to discover your Inner Warrior Woman.

She’s the one that makes great decisions, takes no sh$t stands up for herself, values her time and controls her life. The problem is, she doesn’t get a chance to shine often enough when she’s locked inside and can’t get out.  Tony Robbins teaches a technique for creating a new empowered inner persona. You can pull this out of the bag whenever you need to be strong – and it works. SO get ready to ENGAGE Warriors!!

6 Easy Steps To Unleash The Warrior within YOU!

1. Sit up straight.
Come on, do it right now wherever you are. Shoulders back, chin lifted, head held steady.

2. Put your hand on your chest between your two collar bones.
This is where your Inner Warrior Woman lives. Now draw your shoulders back a little further. It’s a very subtle movement but it’ll shift your energy.

3. Breathe in deeply and feel yourself becoming more powerful. Now breathe out smooth and steady, keeping your position strong.

4. Now you’re going to name your brave and confident alter-ego. What’s she called? Don’t overthink it. If you’re drawing a blank, think of someone who already embodies fearlessness to you. An actress or character in a book or movie? A super model, athlete or singer? Someone you know?

5. Once you’ve got your new name, notice what it feels like to be her. How does she hold herself? How does she breathe? How does she think?  This girl rocks. She kicks a$. She stands up for herself and creates boundaries. No-one walks all over her.  She’s the master of her time, she’s focused and on task. She asks for what she needs. She knows how to say no.

6. As you feel her rise to the surface, say to yourself – out loud if you can: ‘I freaking Rock!’ Say it again with more oomph: “I FREAKING ROCK!!!”  Embrace how it feels to be YOU. From now on you’re going to unleash her a lot more often.  Creating a new empowering alter-ego will help you interrupt old patterns of behavior and reinforce new ones. After awhile, you and your Inner Warrior Woman will merge to become an awesome blend of what’s always been great about you and the new empowered you.  You’ll be an outstanding version of you.
So are you ready to channel your Inner Warrior Woman?  If so, What’s her name?