
Self Care Sunday!

Do you take time to track these five things, to ensure you are putting your health first each day? Today is a great day to see if you are ready to go for this coming week. Those who prep a head of time and organize their week.. find they stay more committed to their health and don’t give into excuses to cross their health of the list.

Are you ready to eat healthy this week? Did you plan a head what you will be eating for your meals and snacks, went shopping and spending some time today prepping your meals for easier access..?

Your Water Intake – this does not mean coffee.. juice or sodas.. this mean’s WATER!! Do you even know if you get the right amount per day for a healthy body? If not, take your weight and divide that in half.. the sum is the amount of water you should be drinking daily for a healthy mind and body.

Your Workouts – have you scheduled when you will be working out this coming week and what you will be doing?  Do you have a plan B in place in case you give into your excuses not to work out when you originally intended too.

Your Sleep – This is foundational! If you want to reach ANY goal, you have to give your body rest! You’d be surprised how much more aware you become when you track this. Not to mention how less hungry you will feel during the day when you get enough sleep and how much more productive you are with the added energy you get.

“Me” Time – Also known as relaxation or alone time. This can be whatever YOU need–a walk, meditation, a bath, time to read or listen to a podcast. Just recharge yourself for a little bit every day, but especially on Sundays before you dive into your week! If will make you move from living your life as a robot ( just going with the flow) to having more control over your health and your outcomes during the week.

Cheers to you for choosing your health!